Appel pour l'usine

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Today, l’Usine is under threat of closure. We have chosen to speak out. 

For some of us it was thirty years ago. For others twenty years, ten years…

Many of us were here at the beginning of the adventure, or joined later.

Be it as founders, organizers, volunteers, artists, audience, spectators, visitors, we all experienced l’Usine in our lives. It was our first training ground for artistic creation, event organising or collective and cultural management. For some our stay at l’Usine lasted years, for others less. For all of us it is an unforgettable experience, filled with shared knowledge, energy, moved by an extremely stimulating and unique dynamic. We  gained from it a connection to the world based on solidarity, tolerance, tenacity and determination. A connection we still carry with us in our daily endeavours - whether professional, social or artistic.

Some of us have become recognized actors in our city, others have placed Geneva and the spirit that caracterizes it on the cultural and artistic world map, well beyond our borders. A spirit that is open to others and to the world.

L’Usine plays a social, cultural and formative role in the lives of its participants, volunteers and workers. It offers hands-on training that drives the development of society. These people are not a bunch of savages or barbarians, junkies or outlaws, but young people who have chosen to live their youth and culture in an alternative way. Young people who are independent thinkers with strong convictions, who wish to share them with the world. L’Usine is also an enthralling and enriching laboratory of life with others, life in society, of life itself : a place where one can learn the meaning of the word ‘together’ in a society that has become more and more divisive.

For all these reasons and many more, we : artists, writers, creators, journalists, politicians, magistrates, researchers, teachers, citizens, actors in our city, call out to Geneva’s Municipal Council, to its State Council, particularily to its Minister of security and economy, Mr. Pierre Maudet, to recognize the specific way of functionning of this cultural entity as self-managed, as well as its collective and solidary responsability.

We ask that the relevant authorities dialogue with l’Usine and take into account its claim to obtain a single permit in the name of the entity itself. We ask that the grants accorded by the Loterie Romande be immediately released from the hostage position they’ve been put in during this tug-of-war.

Thirty years ago, we did not ask anyone’s permission to exist. We fought. For the existence of a culture off the beaten path. Others continued. With succes. For years. Others are doing it today.

We are with them.

So that this voice can live on and continue to be heard. Because no one will ever silence it.

Please sign with your last name, first name and profession in the « name » box.

Mobilization created by Soutien pour l'usine

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