Paris, November 14th, 4pm
Affected at its very heart, France is crying. France is mourning its citizens, victims of a unspeakable and ceaseless and blind violence. Because barbarism has struck once again, France has to stand up, once again.
In the face of an unseen tragedy, now more than ever, we have to be united. Facing up terrorism, facing up fear, facing up an unintelligible violence : we are united! United we shall stay with the families of the victims, to whom we expressed our most heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy. We must remain united around those who survived the terrorist attacks around the globe.
Associations’ officials and political leaders, journalists, intellectuals, each and one of us has a responsibility to face today. Beyond the macabre amount of victims, terror aims at dividing us, our nation, our family.
They want to trap us. And we must refuse to fall into it! Division and stigmatization are at the core of this insidious trap. Every time we blame or point the finger hastily to a community in its whole seen as guilty we are falling into the trap of a planned and orchestrated division.
From today onwards, we translate our intentions into actions with all the French people. We can walk to reach the nearest hospitals to donate our blood, support NGOs, weave ties with our neighbours, fight around us against racism and prejudices… The fight against terrorism will be long and hard, we one can expect tough times, but as long as we act together, France shall stand up.
Terrorists sent us a clear message. They are willing to bring France to her knees. Let’s assert them that we will remain together and standing up for the other ! Upright and together, side by side, hand in hand and never against each other. Our unity is our most precious wealth.
We need to protect it and to give it all its meaning today. This is a time of real brotherhood, the true bulwark against the blinded violence of terrorism and planned division.